• River secondary vocational school of the city of Turkmenabat
  • +993(422)74452
  • TSH.DOHOM@derya-ohom.edu.tm
On March 16, about 595 thousand tree seedlings were planted in Turkmenistan


On Saturday, March 16, during the greening campaign in Turkmenistan, 594 thousand 892 seedlings of deciduous, coniferous, fruit trees and grapes were planted. During the event, work was carried out to care for existing plantings, in particular, attention was paid to 2 million 376 thousand 204 trees. This was reported in the news release of the Turkmen State Radio and Television.

The greening campaign was launched by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov by planting a tree on the territory of the Magtymguly Fragi cultural and park complex, where on that day members of the country’s leadership, heads of diplomatic missions and international structures represented in Ashgabat, and young people gathered.

Then the head of state, together with the national leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, took part in landscaping the capital’s Archabil Avenue, in the area between the Constitution Monument and the Palace of Congresses, planting seven seedlings here. The symbolic beginning was taken up by other participants in the action.