• River secondary vocational school of the city of Turkmenabat
  • +993(422)74452
  • TSH.DOHOM@derya-ohom.edu.tm

About school

The river technical school of the city of Turkmenabat of the "Turkmendenizderyayollary" agency (sea and river routes of Turkmenistan) was established on the basis of the primary vocational school of the Deryayollary production association on the basis of Decree of the President of Turkmenistan No. 13718 dated June 21, 2014 “On the creation of vocational educational institutions in the country.” The technical school, being under the jurisdiction of the Turkmendenizderyayollary agency, is a state vocational educational institution on a self-supporting basis, implementing a secondary vocational educational program. The technical school was built in 1930, at that time it was established as the Chardzhou River Technical School under the People's Commissariat of Water Transport of Turkmenistan. In 1941, the current educational institution was reorganized into the Chardzhou River Technical School under the USSR Ministry of the Navy. Since 1952, the Chardzhou River Technical School belonged to the Navy and the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR. Since 1994, this technical school belonged to the Ship Administration for Central Asia.

On December 9, 1998, this technical school was reorganized into the Turkmen Center for the Training of River Shipping Company Specialists named after the President of Turkmenistan S.A. Niyazov. In 1999, this center was reorganized into the professional lyceum of management “Turkmenderyayollary”. In July 1999, by decree of the President of Turkmenistan, the Turkmenderyayollary Vocational School of Management was established on the basis of the former River Technical School. In October 2001, this lyceum was renamed into the "Turkmenderyayollary" Vocational School of Management. Since 2003, this educational institution was called the Vocational School of the "Deryayollary" Production Association. Since 2012, the Vocational School has been renamed into the primary vocational school of the "Deryayollary" production association.

The main objectives of the educational institution:

- ensure the practical implementation of the educational policy of Turkmenistan;

- meeting the requirements and meeting the demand for specialists in secondary vocational education in the field of inland waterways;

- training of secondary vocational education specialists who meet the requirements of long-term socio-economic development of Turkmenistan;

- training on a paid basis for specialists in primary vocational education, advanced training of employees in the field of inland river routes and implementation of an educational program for their retraining.

Training part

List of documents

1) application addressed to the director in the prescribed form

2) questionnaire in the prescribed form

3) document on general secondary education (original)

4) medical certificate in the form established by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan

5) characteristics from the last place of study (work, military unit)

6) obligation to pay on time for studies according to the sample

7) eight photographs measuring 3x4 sm.

8) a certified copy of the work book for employees

-winners of the state Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of national teams of Turkmenistan who participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects in the year of admission, who enjoy the preferential right of enrollment in state institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, subject to successful completion of entrance exams, submit the original of the relevant documents confirming these grounds .

In addition, applicants, together with the above documents, present and submit to the admissions committee copies of the following documents:


- those who served in the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan - a military ID, and young men who did not undergo military service, a registration certificate and a certificate from the military commissariat at their place of residence. The applicant can submit other documents that confirm his preferential right when enrolling among students .

The applicant is personally responsible for incorrectly provided information and documents.

13 specialties in 2024-2025

1)Driving a boat

2) Public food technology

3) Industrial and civil housing construction

4) Multi-channel telecommunication systems

5) Organization of circulation of working papers and archival work

6) Programming in computer systems

7) Accounting and auditing

8) Energy and electricity supply

9) Data protection tools and technology

10) Operational work in logistics

11) Protection in the event of an emergency

12) Economy and digital information technologies

13) Shipbuilding and repair

River secondary vocational school of the city of Turkmenabat


Exemplary Teachers

Teacher "Study of social life of Turkmenistan"
Teacher "Fundamentals of legislation of Turkmenistan"
Teacher "Russian language"
Teacher of "Higher Mathematics"
Teacher "Modern computer technologies"

Exemplary Students

Atamyradova Achylgul Khydyrovna

In 2023, at the State Olympiad in the subject “Study of the social life of Turkmenistan” Atamyradova Achylgul Khydyrovna, a student of the 201st educational group in the professional direction “Vessel Driver” of the River Secondary Vocational School in the city of Turkmenabat, took second place.

Hummetovezova Shabibi Yagshimyrodovna

In 2023, at the State Olympiad in the subject “Study of the social life of Turkmenistan,” Hummetovezova Shabibi Yagshymyradovna, a student of the 213th educational group of the professional direction “Information Security Technologies” of the River Secondary Vocational School in the city of Turkmenabat, took second place.

Bayramova Aysoltan

In 2023, at the State Olympiad in the subject “Study of the social life of Turkmenistan”, Bayramova Aisoltan, a student of the 111th educational group in the professional direction “Organization of document circulation and archival management” of the River Secondary Vocational School in the city of Turkmenabat, took second place.

Altyeva Ainur Mammetzhanovna

In 2023, at the State Olympiad in the subject “Fundamentals of Legislation of Turkmenistan,” Altyeva Ainur Mammetzhanovna, student of the 201st educational group in the professional direction “Vessel Driver” of the River Secondary Vocational School in the city of Turkmenabat, took second place.

Yoldashev Guvanch Yoldash ogly

In 2023, at the State Olympiad in the subject “Fundamentals of Legislation of Turkmenistan”, Yoldashev Guvanch Yoldash ogly, a student of the 204th educational group in the professional direction “Technology of public catering products” of the River Secondary Vocational School in the city of Turkmenabat, took 2nd place.

Yazova Agabeg Dovlgeldievna

In 2023, at the State Olympiad in the subject “History of Turkmenistan,” Yazova Agabeg Dovlgeldievna, a student of the 111th study group in the professional direction “Organization of document circulation and archival affairs” of the River Secondary Vocational School in the city of Turkmenabat, took 2nd place.

Mukhamedov Mergen Mukhametgeldievich

In 2023, at the State Olympiad in the subject “History of Turkmenistan,” Mukhamedov Mergen Mukhametgeldievich, a student of the 204th educational group in the professional direction “Vessel Driver” of the River Secondary Vocational School in the city of Turkmenabat, took second place.

Hamdamova Aziza Ikramovna

In 2023, at the State Olympiad in the subject “Russian Language”, Aziza Ikramovna Hamdamova, a student of the 209th educational group in the professional direction “Operations in Logistics” of the River Secondary Vocational School in the city of Turkmenabat, took second place.

Galiulin Ruslan Rustamovich

In 2023, at the State Olympiad in the subject “Russian Language,” Ruslan Rustamovich Galiulin, a student of the 106th educational group in the professional direction “Computer System Programming” of the River Secondary Vocational School in the city of Turkmenabat, took third place.

Sakhatova Nurana Magtymgulievna

In 2023, at the State Olympiad in the subject “Mathematics”, Nurana Magtymgulievna Sakhatova, a student of the 208th educational group in the professional direction “Accounting and Auditing” of the River Secondary Vocational School in the city of Turkmenabat, took third place.

Baltaev Davut Jeikhunovich

2023 at the State Olympiad in the subject “Modern Computer Technologies”. a student of the 106th study group in the professional direction “Information Security Technology and Security” of the River Secondary Vocational School in the city of Turkmenabat took third place.