On April 15-20, 2024, Yagshigeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas will organize the II Open International Informatics Olympiad (OIOIUS-2024) for students of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan and foreign countries, as well as the Olympiad “Revival of a new era of a stable state” among participating students. Holds an international scientific-practical conference and exhibition entitled “Scientific Perspectives of Student Youth”.
These international events will promote the strengthening of friendly relations between students and teachers of higher educational institutions of the world and the exchange of mutually beneficial experience in the field of science and education.
The Olympiad will be held at Yagshigeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas.
The official working languages of the Olympiad are Turkmen, Russian and English.
The Olympiad will be held in two stages in the form of individual competition.
Students studying professional, bachelor’s and master’s programs in any profession and field can participate in the Olympiad.
The number of students participating in the Olympiad from each higher education institution should not exceed 5.
Individual winners of the Olympiad are determined based on the total number of points collected by students through specially developed national software.
Additional information and announcements related to the Olympiad will be posted on a dedicated section of the university’s website at https://iogu.edu.tm/faculties/48.
The list of students of higher education schools who wish to participate in the Olympiad should be prepared according to the sample and sent to the e-mail address hngu.olimp@gmail.com by March 31, 2024. A team leader from a higher education institution participating in the Olympiad can submit 3 problems to be solved by programming the competition. The issues raised should be forwarded to the organizing committee with a specific solution by April 1, 2024. The list of information and documents needed to formalize visas and other documents for the arrival of participants from abroad to Turkmenistan was sent to the e-mail addresses of the participants.
Phone numbers: +993 12 39 13 36, +993 65 67 51 31, +993 12 39 14 57, +993 65 62 59 33, +993 12 39 13 18, +993 64 02 25 21
E-mail: hngu.olimp@gmail.com
Source: Orient