• River secondary vocational school of the city of Turkmenabat
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  • TSH.DOHOM@derya-ohom.edu.tm
Turkmenbashi Oil Refinery presented new generation of diesel fuel


The Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries is expanding its range of petroleum products. Hydrotreated diesel fuel “Hydro Plus” is a new product that is predicted to take a leading place among domestic petroleum products that are recognized in the country and in foreign markets, Neutral Turkmenistan reports.

Since the beginning of the year, three thousand tons of modern fuel have already been produced in the fourth workshop at the diesel fuel hydrotreating unit of the Turkmenbashi Oil Refinery Plant. The new product is called "Hydro Plus". The fuel's compliance with international quality standards has already been confirmed by the technical control department of the enterprise.

The produced fuel has a number of advantages. By increasing its lubricating properties, the degree of protection of engines from mechanical wear, corrosion and deposits has been increased, fuel consumption has been optimized, the level of harmful substances in exhaust gases has been reduced, the temperature range of fuel use has been expanded and other parameters that affect the increase in diesel power have been improved.

This effect was achieved with the help of special additives - chemical substances that change the properties of fuel, obtained from Germany. In strict proportions, TORC specialists used depressant-dispersant and other innovative additives, which caused the effect of anticoagulants, preventing the crystallization of paraffins and, accordingly, the formation of soot and carbon deposits in the circulation systems of operating engines, increasing the anti-wear coefficient of moving parts.

In the very near future, “Hydro Plus” will be included in the commodity register of the TORC product range.

Let us remind you that over the decades since the commissioning of the technological unit at the Turkmenbashi enterprise, not a single complaint has been received regarding the quality of hydrotreated diesel fuel. This proves the high professionalism of Turkmen specialists who are constantly improving the quality of products of the national brand “TNGIZ”.

Source: Orient