For the first quarter of the current year, according to the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, the growth of turnover compared to the same period last year was 103.8 percent, the rate of growth of production output was 101.4 percent.
Compared to the same period of the previous year, the volume of output of the enterprises of the Ministry of Textile Industry, including cotton fabric, equaled 106.5 percent, sewing and knitted goods - 103.3 percent, and leather goods - 109.5 percent.
The production plan of the State Union "Turkmenkhaly" was fulfilled at the level of 104.6 percent.
Since the beginning of the year, the State Commodity Exchange has held 74 trading sessions and registered 6,867 contracts.
The growth rate of the work carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry during the reporting period reached 108.3 percent, 3 exhibitions and 30 conferences were organized.
According to the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the growth rate of agricultural and food production volumes for three months was 107.6 percent, and industrial production was 107.2 percent.