It is planned to include the Turkmenbashi seaport in the digital register of transport and logistics centers for the North-South international transport corridor. This follows from the materials of the second meeting of the CIS transport business dialogue held at the end of January, the electronic newspaper “Turkmenistan: Golden Age” writes. It is reported that the infrastructure register will be posted on the website of the Coordination Transport Meeting of the Commonwealth Member States in the public domain. This will make it possible to more effectively form logistics routes and supply chains along the North-South corridor, in which the role of Turkmenistan is increasing. Two of the three main routes identified in the ITC development strategy pass through our country: Trans-Caspian (via the Caspian Sea) and eastern (via Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan). Let us recall that earlier the seaport of Turkmenbashi was visited by representatives of the Russian Railways Logistics company and its Director General Dmitry Murev. He praised the port's infrastructure and said the company would use its capabilities to develop new logistics solutions. Dmitry Murev believes that the state’s transport infrastructure is adequate to handle growing cargo flows, and Turkmenistan can become an important transport hub of the future on the East-West and North-South routes.
Source: Orient