• River secondary vocational school of the city of Turkmenabat
  • +993(422)74452
  • TSH.DOHOM@derya-ohom.edu.tm
Hotel «Deniz» in NTZ «Avaza» offers comfortable stay and quality service


The Deniz Resort Hotel is located in the «Avaza» National Tourist Zone. Here guests will enjoy a comfortable stay and quality service. The rooms have high-speed Wi-Fi, satellite TV, air conditioning, safe, tea set and mini refrigerator. Upon prior request, pets up to 5 kg can be accommodated.

The windows offer sea views. The bright and cozy rooms will delight guests with their cozy atmosphere. Thanks to the panoramic windows you can always watch magical sunsets and bright, colorful sunrises. The rooms are designed to accommodate from one to four people.

Guests are also provided with spa treatments, manual therapy and massage. There is a play area and an entertainment complex that includes: bowling, billiards, 3D cinema, XBOX and Sony PlayStation game consoles, slot machines for children, table tennis, air hockey and hand football.

There is a restaurant on site where guests can order a variety of delicious dishes. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. On the ground floor there is a lobby bar, where the menu includes home-made dishes, coffee and desserts.

Restaurant opening hours:

*Breakfast: from 8:00 to 10:00; (included in room price)

*Lunch: from 12:00 to 14:00;

*Dinner: from 18:00 to 20:00. (Buffet, adults 60 manat, children (from 5 to 10 years old) 30 manat)

For negotiations or other events there is a conference room for 60 and 20 people, which are equipped with modern equipment.

There are shops, cafes and attractions within walking distance. The most pleasant bonus is that the beach is just a couple of steps away! The distance to the airport is 22 km, which takes approximately 15-20 minutes.

Phone for inquiries: 800(243) 5-75-01; 5-75-02; 5-75-03

E-mail: denizavaza@gmail.com

Fax: 5-76-41


Source: "Turkmendenizderyayollary" agency